The series has been published by Università degli Studi di Trento since 2020. It collects reflections, experiences and documents on the different roles that images assume as their use expanding in the contemporary world.
The ‘notebooks’ aim to inform and stimulate insights into the plurality of directions taken by figurative research, including digital research, and foreground the usefulness of an updated knowledge of theoretical studies and practical applications. They are a meeting place of knowledge and multiple activities to be put back into circulation in a flexible and dynamic way, through online publishing products as in-real-time scientific tools for discussion and growth of ideas.
The notebooks include research reports, seminar/workshop proceedings, exhibition catalogs, qualified teaching materials and more. They are conceived for a heterogeneous and non-specialist audience with diverse backgrounds and needs and published in the author’s chosen language with an abstract in English (5-10% of the volume).
The digital and open access, format is ‘open’ in various meanings: content is not necessarily completed, the updating operation is streamlined, and publication costs are minimal.
Editorial policies are published here.
e-ISSN: 2974-5608